09/15/2024- “Holding Onto Wisdom”
09/15/2024- “Holding Onto Wisdom” Join us each Sunday at Highlands at 10AM. We…
9/8/2024: “Choosing How We Shall Live”
9/8/2024: “Choosing How We Shall Live” Join us each Sunday at Highlands at…
The TIme of SInging Has Come
The TIme of SInging Has Come Join us each Sunday at Highlands at…
8/25/2024- “Sent Out to Live”
8/25/2024- “Sent Out to Live” Join us each Sunday at Highlands at 10AM….
Woman, Here is Your Son… Here is Your Mother
Woman, Here is Your Son… Here is Your Mother Due to the Coronavirus we will…
Wednesday of Holy Week 2022
Wednesday of Holy Week 2022 John 13:21-32 https://youtu.be/e2HsUn2Y3QM via IFTTT
Upcoming Advent Opportunities
Upcoming Advent Opportunities https://youtu.be/LCoMRKX5YGk via IFTTT
Tuesday of Holy Week 2022
Tuesday of Holy Week 2022 John 12:20-36 https://youtu.be/d-0hFHtD42o via IFTTT